Thursday, May 18, 2006

Genius ideas from Burley

Its official! Nathan Burley is a genius or spends too much time on the net. He's provided me with two new insights. Firstly as you will see ive now got a 24 stylie clock on my blog! brilliant! (If you've never watched 24 then you've never lived! pretty much!)
And also you have to look at this link if you like neighbours and want a laugh. (disclaimer: i dont really watch neighbours anymore although i watched it an awful lot in my first year!) Keep them coming nathan!

Monday, May 08, 2006

One Liner

Born Once - Die Twice
Born Twice - Die Once

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Have you got a crayola Jesus?

A talk at my home church on Sunday made this challenge part way through. Looking at Revelation 1 and who Jesus is we were challenged by Gary Aston, Our guest speaker from Pontefract to think about who Jesus really is not just who we want him to be. In revelation 1 it describes "Christs face shining like the sun in all its brilliance". He started to make the anaology that if you ask a kid to draw a sun they will pick up a yellow crayon and make a circle and maybe a few lines coming from it. But if you ask a scientist to describe the sun they will tell you that its a ball of chemical reactions so hot that nothing natural could survive in it. Its the centre of the universe and the planets around it are in perfect balance because of it. If it wasnt there neither would we be.

So have you got a crayola Jesus or do we really realise who he really is?

Lets get posting again!!!!

Until just now i didnt realise how bad i had got at posting! I knew that i hadnt posted for a while but when your last post is march 21st then thats terrible! Shame on me and after a rebuke by Helen Lockwood ive decided to wipe the last few months clean and start again hopefully back to my regular posts!!! so here goes oh and a pic of where i went at easter. mayeb more to come!