Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Worship rant!

Ive just got back from an event at my uni i work at which was meant to be a evangelistic look at worship music and it struck me just how people are being taught to worship with their feelings. The second worship group were more like a performance and the music was used to whip people up into a "worshipful mood". Ive seen this more and more in CU's and i find it distressing. Were moving away from worshipping in spirit and TRUTH! And we can only worship because of the truth. The truth that we are sinful and need a saviour. The truth that God sent Jesus to be that rescuer, to die on the cross and bear our shame. The truth that if we have trusted in Christ we are a new creation. The truth that because of Christ we will one day sing his praises in heaven.
Worship isnt a feeling its an obligation for any Christian which is a joyful obligation. Our lives are worship and a sacrifice. Not just whipping ourselves to worship in song. Worship is more than just a meeting and a guitar.
What also frustrates me is man focussed worship. Where has the holiness and wonder of God gone in our worship. Why do we always sing about us coming to God when the only way we can come is through Christ. Jesus isnt our homeboy!!! Hes our saviour, Lord and Judge! If we bring him down to our level all the time and start comparing him to one of our mates from uni then who are we saying God is! If we realise who God is, what he has done for us and what our response should be to him then we can only praise him!

"My sin oh the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin not in part but the whole
was nailed to the cross and i bear it no more
Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Oh my soul!!!"

I apologise for this rant but i had to get it out of my head as it really frustrates me and gets me annoyed! If ive said anything which is unbiblical then please correct me. I pray that God will teach us what true worship is and how we should worship Him in spirit and in truth.


Bokey said...

Preach bro! I whole heartedley agree.

Jonny:) said...

have you red 'true worship' by vaughn roberts? quite good on what you've just said :)

Unknown said...

wise words harry.
I've been trying to explore such things with my blogposts, see:
The Songs we Sing... must be Christian (earlier posts linked from this)

Anonymous said...

Humm... right thinking (about the truth) leads to right affections. I take 'in spirit and in truth' to mean heart work as well as head work. Worship is certainly more than feelings when moved by lyrics and song, but I can't see how it's anything less. cf Psalm 47. Love, joy, hate, sorrow - feelings are very much a part of right christian living. On the point of God's holiness, I definately agree.